As we reflect on 2020, one of our firm’s values is top of mind: grit. We love Angela Duckworth’s definition of grit: “Passion and perseverance for long-term goals.” Without a doubt, 2020 has presented challenges, but we continue to focus on our goal: To help nonprofits thrive. To achieve this goal, we’ve successfully transitioned into an entirely virtual working environment, refined our “Vision Impact Alignment” process to help nonprofits plan for their futures, employed new and different campaign management techniques, and expanded our grant writing to a national scope. We are passionate about our work and will continue to persevere, innovative, and lead in these dynamic times.
We celebrate the incredible resilience, ingenuity, and compassion displayed by our nonprofit partners. Our clients have accomplished so much in the past year:
….and these are just a few examples of the incredible work our clients have done.
In this holiday season, we take time to pause, reflect, and plan for the year ahead. We wish you peace, good health, and rest. Thank you to our nonprofit community for your leadership and grit. We look forward to working with you in 2021.